Azzawi claimed that the number of cancer cases increased by 6 times because of operations and the number of low cases increased rapidly, and claimed that scientists who wanted to examine them were either killed or arrested. Azzawi said that 270 oil pipes were damaged and that the fuels were involved in Iraqi soil and water. The Iraqi World Court in Darphane-i Amire was convened for the last time yesterday. Witnesses and experts said that in Iraq this time, the environment and the cultures also suffered. Iraqi environmental engineer Souad Naji Al-Azzawi said that since 1996 he has watched the increase in radioactivity in Iraq. The Iraqi witness, Amal Al Khedairy, argued that in recent years the 5,000-year-old Iraqi cultural heritage has been destroyed by Saddam. Khedairy said, "Iraqis are conscious and trying to destroy their identity, 80 percent of the schools have been looted, the occupiers on the one hand, and the other on the other side are threatening Iraq." Assoc. Dr. Gul Pulhan said that the works of the Iraqi national museum were suffering a great loot during the operations and that the US army did not take shelter in time despite the promise of the military. Joel Kovel argued that the US army systematically used chemical and biological methods of warfare, saying, "Along with diseases like hepatitis E, diseases such as typhoid fever are spreading rapidly, and 70 percent of Iraqi homes still suffers great water stress. Cultural heritage has been destroyed Richard Falk, professor of International Law at the US, speaks on behalf of the prosecution during the Closing Session, arguing that Norwegian Johan Galtung's recommendation for boycott of US products would be an effective application for civil society. "We have no criminal powers, but we are entitled to recommend the world to the boards," Falk said, emphasizing that the war did not end on May 30, 2003, as Bush claimed: "We must absolutely emphasize the first level responsibility of Bush and Blair, I suggest that Cheney also include Wolfowitz, which was brought together to condemn the US and British efforts to rewrite international law. " 'The court was established to condemn the United States

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