Despite the fact that the technology is so developed today, unfortunately the blood still can not be manufactured and the single source maintains its importance as a human being. For this, volunteer blood donors are needed, and almost all of their safe blood needs are provided in this way. Allergic diseases that can be fatal can develop especially when blood is taken from close relatives. It is the safest system the whole world has to offer, voluntarily taking blood instead of relatives.
On World Volunteer Blood Donors Day, it is aimed to inform the public about the consolidation and dissemination of volunteer blood donation, and to create a change of behavior and permanent awareness about blood donation.

There are two main aims of blood donor selection. To protect the donor from possible events that may affect the donor during or after blood donation and to protect the patients receiving the blood from the side effects of the infectious or donor medication or other medical risks.

The person should have had a full meal 2 hours before the blood donation, the person who will donate the blood should not have taken the day of the 19th day, the day of the 66th day, the person who will give blood for the first time should not reach the age of 61, and the person who regular blood should not pass the age of 70.

Blood transfusion interval is 3 months for men and 4 months for women. In compulsory cases, the interval may be 2 months, provided that the number is not exceeded once a year.

People with very high blood pressure and very low blood pressure can not give blood. Those with infectious infectious diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis carriers, who have allergic reactions on anaphylactic basis, can never donate blood. In some diseases, people can not give blood until the findings are corrected. Therefore, the patients who apply for blood donation need to be questioned in detail by the doctor.