Goiter is a condition that is caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland and is overgrown. Early treatment will give you an advantage. In this type of disease, the thyroid gland works extreme and fast, making hormone production irregular.

Thyroid Gland Overtime Study:

- Excess weight loss despite increased appetite
- Do not urinate frequently
- Rare menstruation
- Excessive irritation
- Growth in eyes
- Excessive sweating
- Your pulse is rising ...

Not all of the symptoms may be seen, but many of them are for warning purposes. The overwork of the thyroid gland is evident immediately, but the less work of this gland is also risky and may lead to cancer.

Little Study of Thyroid Gland:
- Mute
- Irregular and excessive menstruation
- Constipation
- Loss of resistance to cold
- Weakness
- Getting fat…

What are the reasons for goitre?

Iodine Deficiency: Iodine deficiency and pregnancy may cause goitre in the body as a result of increased hormone requirement. The goitre coming from the iodine deficiency is endemic; That is, the region is unique. Goiter is common because of the low consumption of iodine in the world for health.
Hyperthyroidism: Antibodies to thyroid cells stimulate the thyroid gland to make excess hormone, which causes the thyroid gland to grow.
Hypothyroidism: The hormone production of the thyroid gland decreases with the cause of this discomfort. As a result, the thyroid gland is stimulated to produce more hormones. This warning also leads to the growth of the cloth.
Nodule: The thyroid gland may grow because of the nodule. Goiters containing nodules are called nodular goiters.
Thyroid Cancer: Thyroid cancer also causes a swelling in the thyroid gland.
Inflammation of the thyroid gland: Inflammation in the gland also enlarges the thyroid gland.
Although the thyroid hormones are normally secreted and there is no nodule in the gland, the growth of the thyroid gland is simple goiter; The thyroid grows to the lower part of the sternum (belly bone) and is expressed as a substernal goitre.

What is a goiter statement?
In general, simple goiters do not cause any complaints. Large and nodular goiters may cause breathing difficulty or swallowing by exerting pressure on the pale or food pit; Pressure on the neck veins may cause these vessels to expand. The sudden growth of thyroid, painful and sensitive is seen in the thyroid nodule in the bloodstream or in the sudden thyroid cancer.

How is the goiter diagnosed and treated?
The diagnosis and treatment of goitre varies according to the diseases causing the growth.

What is thyroid nodules (nodular goitre)?
Thyroid nodules are abnormal tissues that occur in the thyroid gland. Half of the nodules are single, the other half is very nodule (multinodule). The nodules should be considered uncomfortable, as 5% is likely a cancer marker. The rate of cancer is the same whether it is a single nodule or multiple nodules.
Nodules according to thyroid scintigraphy findings; Cold, warm and warm nodule. 70-80% of the nodules are cold, 10% are warm, and 10% are warm nodules. Cancer is more common in cold nodules.

What are the indications of thyroid nodules?
Nodular goiter is usually not complaints other than swelling in the throat. If there is bleeding into the nodule, pain may occur. If the nodule grows too large it can cause pressure and shortness of breath.

In which cases should nodules be suspected of being cancer?
If the nodule continues to grow rapidly despite the cure,
If the lymph nodes in the neck are swollen,
If the stalk is thickened,
If the nodule is cold and odd, thyroid cancer should be suspected.

How is the diagnosis of a nodular goiter?

In the diagnosis of nodular goiter, evaluation techniques such as thyroid needle biopsy, ultrasonography and scintigraphy are used.
Thyroid needle biopsy is an easy, painless, non-complicated method of examination that should be applied first to all patients with nodular goiter due to the possibility of 5% cancer. This biopsy is removed from the nodule.
Ultrasonography of the thyroid: The size of the nodules is used to determine whether the diameter of the nodule has shrunk by small nodules and by treatment. Assessment of nodule blood flow with the Doppler ultrasound helps determine whether the nodule is benign or malignant.
Thyroid scintigraphy: Scintigraphy is a film of the thyroid cells taken together by the vasculature of the radioactive substance. It is used in patients with low levels of TSH and helps to understand whether the nodule is hot or cold.
Thyroid hormone tests: In these tests the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is made based on the patient's Free T3, Free T4 and TSH levels.

How is nodular goiter treated?
The treatment is started according to the results of the nodule biopsy. According to the result;
If there is cancer, or if the nodule is larger than 3 cm in diameter, if there is a rapid growth, if the lymph nodes in the neck are swollen, that is, if cancer is a risk, surgical treatment is appropriate.
If it is deemed necessary in non-cancerous benign nodules, drug treatment is applied. If the doctor is ill