Vaginismus is a sexual function problem that is seen quite often in women. During sexual intercourse, one third of the lower pelvic muscles surrounding the vagina can not be completed due to involuntary (uncontrolled) contraction, or it is painfully painful. All of the pelvic contractions seen in vaginismus occur involuntarily except for the woman's own will and desire. Most of the women who are experiencing problems are still looking for months or even years of marriage, but they have never been together with their spouses. Also known as vaginism.

Vaginismus and its treatment were scientifically first described by Sims in 1861, and this concept has not changed in almost 150 years. The interesting observations of this scientist who examined a patient passed on to scientific records: The most obvious thing in the woman's story was the fact that she was still a virgin, although she was married for a quarter of a century. My vaginal examination failed entirely in my research on this phenomenon. It was a very intense response to touching the mouth of the vagina. The nervous system was in great confusion; There was a general muscle strain. The entire body was intermittently stiff and vibrating. The scream screamed at the scream, his eyes shining like crazy. The appearance of terror and resentment was very pitiful as tears flowed from his cheeks. Despite all these external reflections of his physical suffering, he was fortunate to remain in his cradle, begging me not to give up hope in the hopeless situation. After pushing for a few minutes with all the power, I could put my finger in the vagina for a few seconds, but it did not. There was a great resistance in the vagina and a severe contraction that reduced the sensitivity of the finger. So I understood that it was a difficult contraction to be examined exclusively at the entrance of the vagina. Sims MJ (1861)
Sims has proposed the first dilatation procedure for the muscles and nerves in the mouth of the genitalia using post-operative glass expanders.
As the operation became more controversial, the developed nonoperatively expanding and expanding under anesthesia was successful and more realistic.

What is vaginismus? In fact, various definitions can be given, but in general vaginismus is defined as a failure to allow sexual intercourse because of fear, anxiety and anxiety of a woman even though the problem is not a physical obstacle. In health tourism; For our vaginismus treatment abroad, our compatriots come from Germany. We also have vaginismus patients from countries such as Austria, the Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Albania, France, England, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

According to one of the most recent definitions made vaginismus; A woman can not get a foreign body into her vagina, such as a finger, a wick, a bumper, a gynecological examination or a partner's penis, despite her wishes. Vaginismus is in Genitopelvic Pain and Penetration Disorder according to the DSM-5 classification system by the American Psychiatric Association. It is in the same class as Disparoni (painful sexual intercourse). Most women who are having problems with the cause of sexual intercourse for months or years are still looking. Vaginismus is also described as "incomplete union" or "incomplete marriage". Most vaginismus patients have a feeling that they will suffer rather than feel really bitter. Although most women with vaginismus problems do not have a problem with pleasure in the arousal state, when the moment of penetration occurs, they do not allow the wife with uncontrolled contractions. These contractions are sometimes not limited to the vaginal muscles but can be widely seen in many muscles of the body (such as waist, hip, leg, back, neck, jaw muscles).

Vaginismus indications:

- Severe fear of suffering during sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse due to this fear does not allow sexual intercourse. Nausea, vomiting and fainting attacks during intercourse according to severity
- The penetration of the penis into the vagina is painful or difficult.
- The feeling of pain, burning, tension and stinging during sexual intercourse.
- difficulty during gynecological examination or gynecologic disability.
- Avoidance behaviors that manifest themselves by closing their legs during sexual intercourse, pushing their husbands, sliding the calf back or sideways.
- Spas that occur in different muscle groups such as abdomen, hip, chest, leg, arm, waist of body.
- Unification is realized in half, not exactly
- Ability to combine in several positions, not in every sexual position
- Loss of sexual desire that develops over time due to pain and pain.

Vaginismus therapy is a simple and simple process. It is not a therapy that lasts for long periods, years, and incredible costs, as people have in their minds. With 3-5 sessions of simple therapies, the problem of vaginismus can be easily solved in 2-3 weeks process. In the same city, non-therapists are treated with a more intensive therapy for 2-3 days. But we are spreading 2-3 or 3 weeks of therapy to 3-5 sessions within 2-3 weeks in order to make sure that the feeling that is healthy is not strengthened. However, the problem is solved in a city or abroad by a 2-3 day compressed-intensive therapy.

In vaginismus treatment, besides the ladies, if necessary, men should also provide supportive therapy to eliminate the anxiety and fear. Vaginismus is a common problem for women and men, and no one should blame or insult the other.