Our department provides a wide range of services such as general women's health, menopause-osteoporosis, pregnancy follow-up, monitoring of risky pregnancies, assisted reproductive techniques and cancers of female organs. 4-D HD images can be taken in the department of utrasonography.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Department Interests in:

General women's health

Menopausal osteoporosis

Following pregnancy, monitoring of risky pregnancies

Cancer screening (gynecological examination, smear, colonoscopy, ultrasonography)

Breast diseases (screening)

Family planning (intrauterine device implementations, hormonal birth control methods, sterilization operations)

Endoscopic surgery (Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy)

Specific analysis and treatments such as assisted reproductive techniques are performed.

Our pediatrician attends to the all births and first consultation is made by our specialist.