The department of Pulmonology renders the state-of-the-art services for patients in diagnostic and therapeutic terms. Affiliated with the Chest Diseases Polyclinics, the Asthma and Allergy Polyclinics and Smoking Cessation Polyclinics offer services and capabilities including ambulatory diagnosis and treatment as well as radiological imaging, respiratory function tests, laboratories, allergy tests, bronchoscopy, non-invasive intensive care and ventilatory support at home.


The Department of Pulmonology offers diagnostic, therapeutic and follow-up services for the following diseases:


- Asthma

- Respiratory function tests

- Allergic respiratory diseases

- Allergy tests (skin prick test)

- COPD (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, smoking-induced pulmonary diseases)

- Pulmonary embolism

- Fiberoptic bronchoscopy

- Sleep-disordered breathing

- Bronchiectasis

- Pneumothorax

- Pulmonary infection diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis)

- Tuberculosis - Lung cancer

- Pleural diseases

- Diffuse lung diseases (Pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis)

- Occupational and environmental lung diseases