Costs of hair transplant in Turkey

Comparing hair transplant costs in Turkey with other countries will give you an opinion how much money you can actually save.

Does the cheap price affect the quality?

No, the price difference doesn’t depend on quality of the hair transplantation.  It depends more on the living expenses in Turkey and you’ll directly benefit from these price differences. We are using the latest technologies to cater for the needs of each and every one of our patients; with a personalized service that we all deserve. Our highly trained hair restoration professionals are dedicated to excellence of service providing cutting edge cosmetic procedure, helping to guide you with a professional but warm, friendly manner to make you feel comfortable and cared for.

Our core belief is to deliver an honest, open approach, with a genuine empathy for your concerns and needs. Surgical hair restoration may not be suitable for everyone, and if the case we feel it is always best to be open and discuss any alternative options available.

Stop suffering and take advantage of the reasonable price of a hair transplant in Turkey.




Our Service

FUE- Hair-Transplantation

·         Blood and laboratory tests

·         Translation Services in German and English

·         No advanced payment! You can make the payment in the clinic (on the day of the operation at the latest)

·         Hotel accommodation with breakfast (2 nights)

·         Transfers incl. Airport, Hotel and Clinic

·         Medications, Shampoo and Lotion

·         7/24 accessibility