Dr. Stefan Moereels has over 20 years of medical experience in the field of Orthopedic Surgery. He completed his Bachelor of M edicine at Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Hasselt, Belgium in 1982, and then t ook his Master's Degree (MD) at K atholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium in 1986. Dr. Stefan then received a Certification / Diploma as a Specialist in Or thopedic Surgery from the University Hospital Gent, Belgium in 1992. He w orked as an Orthopedic Hip and Knee Surgeon at St. Augustinus Hospital, Belgium for 19 years, where he handled over 6,000 surgical procedures of knee arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, lower limb joint replacement surgery, and Orthopedic trauma. I n 2012, he assumed post as a C onsultant-in-Charge for Orthopedic Surgery at Seychelles Hospital, Seychelles. To his credit, Dr. Stefan is a member of the Belgian Organization for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, St. Lucas Gilde, Artsen Zonder Grenzen (Doctors without Borders), Huisartsen Vereniging Antwerpen Centrum, and Belgian Knee Association. He is also a member of en vironmental organizations such as the O cean Preservation Society, Conservation International, and World Wildlife Fund. Dr. Stefan is fluent in English, French, German, and Dutch languages.