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12 Mediderman Magazine

         What is Laser Eye Surgery?

         Laser eye surgery is an umbrella term for several eye surgeries used to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia
         and astigmatism. The most common types of laser eye surgery include PRK, LASEK and iLasik. Each of the three laser
         eye surgery procedures below uses the same special laser, called “Excimer” laser, to reshape the cornea. This is what
         corrects vision. But laser eye surgery can vary in the specifics of the procedure, the recovery time, which surgical
         instruments are used and your patient candidacy. You might be a better candidate for PRK, for instance, than for LASIK.

         Who can have laser treatments and what are
         the conditions?
         • If you are over 18 years old,
         • If you have sufficient corneal thickness
         • If you have myopia up to -10 diopter, hyperopia up to +6
         diopter and astigmatism up to -6 diopter
         •  If  your  visual  impairment  is  stabile  (less  than  +/-0,50
         diopter change in the last two years)
         •  If  your  eye  structure  is  convenient  for  an  operation
         according  to  the  preliminary  examinations  and  analysis,
         you can have laser treatment.

         Who can’t have a laser treatment?
         • If you are rheumatism or diabetes
          • If you are pregnant or breast-feeding,            Assoc. Prof. Faik ORUÇOĞLU
          • If you’ve had an eye surgery before,              Cornea and Refractive Surgeon
                                                              Head Physician of Birinci Eye Hospital
          • If you have diseases like keratoconus, eye pressure and
          cataracts, you cannot have laser treatments.

          Will I have zero eye numbers after laser?
          In laser treatment, the purpose is to achieve a spectacle-free clear vision. Depending on the treatment, patient’s
          refraction and patient’s corneal structure, the success rate is over 95% and +/-0,50 Diopter numbers can be obtained.
          The aim of this treatment is to provide the best possible vision for the patients.

          How long does the procedure take?
          Depending on the type of treatment, the procedure will take anything from 5–15 minutes, with the laser being active
          for only a few seconds. Getting ready for surgery on the day takes about 30 minutes.

          Is the laser painful?
          The procedure itself is not painful since oral and topical anesthetic medication is administered to make you feel
          comfortable. Post operatively, most patients experience little or no discomfort. After the procedure, your eyes may feel
          scratchy, gritty, or watery. These are temporary symptoms and are not a problem for most patients. You will be given
          eye drops to help alleviate any of these symptoms you may experience.
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