Page 13 - medicawell_no5
P. 13





         Technology has given us many advantages, like consum-
         ing vegetables and fruits out of proper season,communi-
         cating with each other easily through mobile phones and
         internet.So today we have to face more chemical pollut-
         ing  agents  and  more  radiation.This  harms  the  fertility
         potential of humans by reducing the number and quality
         of  sperm  and  making  menstrual  irregularities  indicating
         problems  in  ovulation.But  the  technology  itself,  other
         than being the cause,has also found out the cure of this
         problem:  In Vitro Fertilisation! (IVF)

         IVF  techniques  have  evolved  dramatically  fast  in  past
         years  ,starting  from  “  classical  IVF  “  to  “microinjection”
         nowadays.In the microinjection technique, a single sperm
         cell is enough to fertilize a single ovum using microinjec-
         tors  and  micromanuplators.Thus,  males  with  very  few
         sperm  cells  in  their  semen  analyses  can  make    benefit
         from  the  microinjection  technique.Furthermore,  in  a
         special  condition  called  “azoospermia”,  in  which  males
         have no sperm cells in their semen analyses, microinjec-
         tion is still possible.In azoospermia ,it is possible to find
         sperm  cells  in  the  testicular  tissue.With  a TESA  proce-
         dure,testicular tissue is aspirated from both testes using
         special  needles.Testicular  tissue  is  assessed  for  the
         presence  of  sperm  cells.If  sperm  cells  are  encoun-
         tered,they can be frozen for further use in microinjection.

         With the progress in technology,it is possible to investi-
         gate and diagnose genetic diseases in embryos by making
         an embryo biopsy and “Preimplantation Genetic Diagno-
         sis”(PGD). PGD  technique can also be applied to patients
         with  repeated  IVF  failures  to  detect  chromosomally
         abnormal embryos to prevent IVF failure.

         Technology has also given us the opportunity to freeze
         excess embryos in IVF cycles for an embryo transfer with
         a low cost in the next treatment cycles.And also embrion-
         ic  culture  media  has  developed  to  culture  embryos  for
         longer periods up to 5 days ,for the selection of the best
         embryos  for  transfer.This  results  in  higher  pregnancy
         rates with less multiple pregnancies.

         As a result, IVF treatment results are much more beter
         nowadays than it was before.

           Dr. A.Serdar Iscan
           M.D. Gynecologist
           Avrupa Şafak Hospital
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