P-Shot can provide lasting improvements in sexual performance for men, especially those who have lost sexual function due to aging, diabetes, high blood pressure, and it can lead to a general improvement in penis length and size.

What can P-Shot do for you?

Experience may vary from man to other. But most of them have got good results after following a specific Protocol after treatment.

Some of these results:

Increased erectile stiffness.

Penis enlargement - Patients reported increases of up to 20%.

Increase sensation and pleasure.

Penile adjustment.

Improves the effectiveness of other treatments such as Viagra.

How P-Shot works:

Plasma-rich platelets are extracted from the patient's blood, usually containing a concentrated amount of growth and healing factors. When injected into the tissues of the penis works to increase the number of new blood vessels, which works to improve blood circulation within the penis leading to a stronger erection. Increasing the sense of pleasure and improving sexual performance. In some men, changes were made in diameter and penis length.

How quickly do results appear?

Since the treatment uses platelets rich in plasma derived from the blood of the patient. The treatment will not cause any kind of allergies and will not have any side effects that are harmful to the patient.

But there may be some simple tumour or bruising which is a simple thing that will disappear within 3-7 days.