Paralysis, also known as "stroke", usually occurs when a region of the brain is suddenly interrupted by a blood stream that provides oxygen and sugar, and sometimes bleeding into the brain tissue. Inspired by the heart attack, this situation is called the "brain crisis". In this case, there is a temporary or permanent damage to the brain cells. An ischemic stroke occurs when the blood clot obstructs the clot, resulting in a decrease or stop of blood flow to the brain. 85% of the troughs enter this group. It often leads to permanent damage and loss of function at various grades.

For the most part, paralysis tells you that you will come with warnings to man. For this, preventive treatment is very important. There is a 'temporary paralysis' in the majority of the patients before the paralysis that puts human life in danger, leads to death or causes permanent damage and connects the person to the bed. Temporary pedigree indication; Blurred vision, sudden onset of vision, loss of vision, loss of strength and sensation on one side of the body.

When stroke is known as an elderly illness in the past years, it is a discomfort that has begun to emerge at an earlier age with the widespread use of risk factors. The age range of young adults is 15-50. Within this age range, individuals who develop paralysis in our country face young people at a younger age than North and Central European countries. Half of stroke patients in our country are under 40 years of age. There is no difference in risk of stroke between men and women until the age of 45 years. While vascular tears (dissections) are observed in young women, paralysis due to vascular stiffness is more common in younger men.

Beware of smoking and overweight!

Except for unchangeable risk factors such as age, gender and race, the most important risk factors that can be changed are preventable; High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, which is the most common rhythm disorder that increases in frequency with age and produces a blood clot, and the narrowing of the vessels that feed the brain. Smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol use lead to the development of these risk factors. It is very important to start taking measures against inequality from young ages. Applying a healthy nutrition program, staying away from smoking and alcohol, having enough physical activity during the day, reducing the stress level to the minimum, and having regular health checks are the precautions for a life without water.

The most common reason is the high level of uncontrollability. Blood pressure causes an explosion by increasing the pressure in the vein. The blood flows into your brain and creates damage through pressure. Bleeding usually occurs in people with high blood pressure between the ages of 50 and 65, well-fed, red-faced and obese. They are destroyed at times before they have the opportunity to express their complaint, and they fall into various forms of unconsciousness. Paralysis develops in the right or left half of the body of the patient. Patients with high blood pressure should be treated and taken regularly. Blood pressure medicines are not the only medications taken when blood pressure rises. They need to be used continuously.

If a person has a cardiologic treatment after having suffered a stroke, this will only control the next state. Depending on the size of the damage in his brain, one may have a disability in his or her future life. The most common cause of paralysis in young people is heart-borne clots. This is followed by a narrowing of vessels called atherosclerosis. Below are our other articles about health tourism.