Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. Blood vessels carry blood cells like the branches of a tree that come out of the heart and deliver the necessary oxygen and nutrients to all organs and cells. The blood in our veins can reach the cells only through a pressure discharge, which we call blood pressure. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart diseases. If left untreated, brain circulation causes serious illness and death rates for heart, blood vessel, eye and kidney diseases. Once diagnosed and treated, increased blood pressure can be reduced and the risk of heart and heart disease can be reduced.

Hypertension is a dangerous disease that usually does not give any symptoms and is seen secretly. However, the patients have some complaints and should not be ignored. Headache, nosebleeds, ringing in the ears, swelling in the feet, palpitations, dizziness, blurred vision may be symptoms. However, because it is a sneaky illness, it is beneficial for those who feel healthy to measure their blood pressure.

Uncontrollable blood pressure is very damaging to the body over time. It may take years. It melts the body inside because it is insidious. It causes many diseases in the vital organs such as heart, brain, kidney by causing vascular occlusion. He can paralyze the patient.

As the blood pressure increases, the load on the heart increases. At first, the heart can withstand it, but then it can not lift the load. To prevent this, the heart generates an answer. The heart starts to grow and the amount of the heart muscle increases. This heart responds to increased blood pressure. But this is even more harmful. Over time the contraction and loosening of the kalbin will become distorted and irregular. It's hard to pump blood. The result is cardiac failure, which can also be seen in other organs.

In addition to such long-term reactions, sudden increase in blood pressure (pressure) may result in cerebral hemorrhage and vascular tearing. The patient is paralyzed or dies.

Blood pressure (or blood pressure) is expressed in two measurements:
• Systolic pressure (hypertension)
• Diastolic pressure (small blood pressure)

How is blood pressure measured?

Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure monitor. The following points should be taken into account for proper measurement of tension:

• The cigarette or coffee should not have been drunk recently.
• The person must be rested.
• The cuff should be kept at the heart level during the measurement.
• The measuring device's sleeve must be of the proper size.


The goal of hypertension treatment is to reduce the blood pressure to below 140/90 mmHg. If the patient has diabetes, kidney failure and organ damage, it is targeted that the blood pressure is lower. The basis of hypertension treatment is lifestyle changes. At the same time, a significant proportion of hypertension treatment is drug therapy. Lifestyle changes, regular exercise, weight control, restriction of salt intake are very important during hypertension treatment. In the case of hypertension resistant to all treatments, blood pressure can be controlled by treating the renal arteries. Early diagnosis is very important to protect from serious conditions such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure caused by hypertension. Early diagnosis and control of hypertension does not affect quality of life.

Like all other treatments, hypertension treatment should be person-specific. It is not correct to think that blood pressure drugs used in the treatment of hypertension are addictive or harmful, and to avoid it based on the side effects of continuous and long-term use of medication. Drugs used today regulate blood pressure, protect the cardiovascular system and prevent the kidneys from deteriorating. In medication treatment, it is aimed not only to control blood pressure, but also to protect other organs. Along with being very important in treatment compliance, selection of the appropriate drug for the patient is also very important. It should also be remembered that the medicine can be released after full control of the patient and after the blood pressure is regulated. You can also look at the writings in the health tourism.