Our specialist physicians who are serving with patient-oriented approach in the Department of Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery, benefits from the most advanced medical devices of era in diagnosis and treatment processes. Our specialists diagnosed and proceed to treatment phase after the policlinic examination, laboratory tests, radiological examinations and audiology examinations.

ENT Department Interested in:

Nasal aesthetic and functional surgery

Treatment of sinus diseases and endoscopic operations

Diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergies)

Ear, mouth and middle ear surgery

Childhood ear, nose and throat diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cysts

Gynecology and Tonsillectomy

Diagnosis and treatment of salivary gland diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders

Diagnosis and treatment of dizziness (vertigo)

Snoring and sleep apnea (sleep interruption) diagnosis and treatment

Ear-bucket aesthetic surgeon

Head and Neck Region Tumors

Diagnosis and treatment of fractures of facial bones

Diagnosis and treatment of inadequacy of hearing