Infectious Diseases is a discipline dealing with diagnosis and treatment of the diseases emerged with microorganisms. While many infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, plague, leprosy, small pox, influenza was shaping the world history, mankind had to battle with microorganisms throughout the ages. While the smallpox has been eradicated through vaccination, new infectious diseases like AIDS have been emerged. The world's globalization, global warming and increased travel frequency, both recently emerging viral diseases with epidemic potential and bacterial infections with gained resistant keep infectious diseases still on the agenda and make the prevention measures to be taken more important. In recent years, organ and tissue transplantation, oncology treatments, intensive care unit support, complicated surgical and prolonging of patients’ life time with invasive procedures, which increase with developments in medicine, enhance risk of patients’ coming across with infectious diseases.

In our department, the diagnosis and treatments of the infectious diseases such as viral hepatitis, meningitis, diarrhea, fever with viral hemorrhagic, influenza, rash illness are fulfilled by in-patient or out-patient treatments. Infection Control Committee continues their activities to prevent hospital infections and to limit community-acquired infection in the hospital. Adult immunization, travel infection ,prophylaxis and consulting services and also the diagnosis and treatment, prophylaxis, screen test and consulting services of sexually transmitted disease are the other infectious disease services.

How Infectious Diseases are transmitted?

Bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi cause the infectious diseases. The modes of transmission of microorganisms to the people are;

  • Blood- blood products borne: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS
  • Air-borne: coughing, sneezing and droplets scattered during respiratory.
  • Tuberculosis and measles
  • Direct contact: Influenza, Hepatitis A
  • Sexually transmitted: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea
  • Through contaminated food and water: typhoid, dysentery
  • By animals: Rabbies
  • Vector-borne : (infected with such microorganisms as licks, phthirus, mosquitoes)
  • Malaria, crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever

How can we be protected from infectious diseases?

  • Hand washing and personal hygiene
  • Environmental cleanup and waste control
  • Appropriately collection and disposing of the stinging wastes
  • Following infectious diseases and control of epidemics