In particular low back pain, neck and back pains may affect the daily life and business life in a negative way. In general these patients consult firstly neurosurgeons and physical therapists. Initially medications are administered frequently.

Physical treatment applications performed are other important treatment options when enough benefit cannot be provided. When there is not sufficient recovery with these treatments, invasive injections and radiofrequency (RF) applications must come to mind in patients not requiring particularly operation.

Medicaments applied with invasive injections affect nerves on the area where the pain occurs and do not disperse in the whole body. For example: medicaments implemented to the painful area in a patient, who have herniated nucleus pulposus, reduce oedema and inflammation (scratchiness) on the area where early hernia or hernia occurs and become effective by removing the pressure on nerve roots. Therefore, these methods are more effective than oral medicaments or medicaments performed from hip and vein.

Invasive injections and RF are implemented in the most frequent back pains and are given in neck and back pains. Epidural and transforaminal injections and facet joint and sacroiliac joint injections are made commonly. Invasive injcetions and radiofrequency (RF) are carried out in sterile conditions by seeing the area to be treated to the accompaniment of fluoroscopy. Success of these applications is quite high and potentials of side effect are less.

Pains developing due to Cancer

Cancer is the primary of the most important patients threatening the life in the present time. Pains, which may develop during the course of disease, affect the life quality of patient in a considerable amount. Pain may develop in some regions with the chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery applications made for treatment of the disease.

Bringing pains developing during course and treatment of cancer under control increases seriously both the life quality of patient and also compliance with treatment. Patient must be assessed very well for his/her pains, detailed medical history must be taken and nature and source of pains must be determined by performing laboratory and radiologic examinations with physical examination.

After the examination, suitable treatment method must be determined. Patients should be closely monitored during treatment in terms of pain. The first option is medication for pain control.

World Health Organization recommends implementation of method called step treatment for this purpose. In this method, initially weak effective oral analgesics are used. If sufficient pain control cannot be provided with the close monitoring of patient, moderate and powered effective morphine and similar analgesics are respectively.

In the meantime, a great number of medicament called as adjuvant are also benefited. If medicaments implemented in step treatment remained insufficient, pain is tried to be brought under control through invasive methods, port and pump and morphine and similar medicaments in different ways of giving.

In particular, in the treatment of pains developing due to cancer, performance of a treatment plan with a multidisciplinary approach with participations of all relevant physicians (surgeons, specialist oncology, Psychiatric care professional, anesthesiologist, pain treatment specialist and other specialists ) is important key to success.